The power of the weak

We live immersed in a world where the weak are looked down upon, pushed aside and rejected. How many times have you felt like that? So we try to beat our weaknesses in order to not struggle with rejection and we start following culture’s rhythm: every day we want to show our achievements, victories, talents, skills. We fight very hard to stand out; we make an effort to maintain control, calm and sobriety when everything is wrong. And we are in a constant battle to present ourselves to the world as victorious, strong and resistant. We are proud of ourselves when our qualities are admired and when that happens we think: I’ve made it, I’m accepted.

But what happens when we feel sad, defeated; when we feel we cannot take it anymore, when we sea failure coming our way, or feel tired and weak. Human science and psychology will scream: You can do it, the power is within you, try harder. And we start every day with a dose of fake adrenaline that succumbs to the hard truth.

As believers we face these battles constantly, so we pray to God and beg to see His favor in our lives, and God responds: No; that is neither the way, nor the moment nor my way of action. So everything comes crashing down. Why? Due to a wrong understanding of the Gospel and of who God is.

Apostle Paul prayed three times for a request and received the same answer to each prayer. It’s then that God sees we’re overwhelmed by impotence and we think and assume God will answer because we have caused Him to feel pity or compassion, but thanks God, He will answer according to His character and what He believes is best for us. When we understand this truth, His promises and answers to our requests become sweeter and sweeter.

“ Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. 9 Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. 10 That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12: 8-10

As Paul, we need to learn to rejoice in hearing: “My grace is all you need”. This is not a dose to calm anxiety or pain, but an invitation from God to hold on to Christ himself, for grace by itself in nothing, what you need is that grace’s source. In other words: Christ is all you need.

Weaknesses are not bad as culture or our parents have taught us. Why? Christ works best in weakness, but only as far as you humiliate and humble yourself to acknowledge both the weakness and the need of God’s power in your life. That’s when you will enjoy grace raining over your life, grace over grace.

When you think about your weaknesses and are overwhelmed by the great amount of them, allow me to remind you that we have a God who’s greater than your weaknesses and God will act through them not without them, and will work best in you. Therefore, it is not to feel grief, or feel less valuable, but about being humble and acknowledging your need of Him in your weaknesses. And when that happens God changes your motivations, and you won’t try to be strong to show your power, but rejoice in your weaknesses to show how great and marvelous He is.

Weaknesses, insults, losses, persecution and difficulties that we have suffered and will suffer are a gift from a loving God. They’re not a punishment as evangelical culture or the false gospel of prosperity have taught, so do not waste your weaknesses fighting against them, but rejoice in the Mighty God that can work best in you through them.

Weaknesses are not a weakness because with Chris they are power...


  • What is the reason for which you are trying to seem strong and victorious by your own means?
  • Are you being humble in acknowledging your weaknesses before God and your brothers and sisters? Repent and confess.
  • Are you experiencing God’s power in your life through your weaknesses?


My Lord and Father who are in Heaven, how amazing is Your Power, Your grace is what I need today, but I will never be able to experience Your grace, God, without experiencing You, intimately and in a deeper way in my daily life. I acknowledge my weaknesses, but I ask You for forgiveness for not being quick to confess them and wanting to show a facade before You and everyone else. I confess with my heat that You are enough for me. In the glorious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.




Join us every Sunday at 9:15 am or 11:00 am


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  • Petra Bible Church
    Pista Suburbana
    From COPERCO, 250 meters to south
    Managua, Nicaragua
  • (+505) 2260-5963
  • (+505) 8927-1845 
  • [email protected]