Frequently Asked Questions

1. What religion are you? Are you a sect?

We are neither a religion nor a sect, we are Christian (followers of Jesus), believers of the Word of God (the Bible) as supreme final authority. We practice and apply to our lives, the example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in obedience. (Luke 9:23-24.)

The first Christians were accused of being a sect (Acts 24:5), and according to the dictionary’s definition of a sect, it is “A group of believers of a particular doctrine or believers of a religion which the speaker is though of as false”. If you consider the Word of God to be false, then you will think that our church is as well, but we know the Word of God is truthful. The only valid guideline and doctrine of Petra Biblical Church is the Word of God.

2. To what denomination do you belong?

We are Christ-centric and do not belong to any denomination. We believe Christ found only one church that is not according to institutions or a specific denomination or religious group. It is one body where Christ is the head and we are members of his body (Ephesians 5:23) by giving our lives to Christ as our Lord and Savior.

3.  Is your tendency towards Reformation or Calvinism?

Yes, but as previously stated we do not belong to any denomination. We understand that throughout history God has used many pious men (Augustine of Hippo, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, the puritans, etc) who have followed the teachings of the Word of God and are an example of testimony and teaching to the universal church. 

4. Should I pay to attend the services?

No, as well as salvation is free (Isaiah 55:1-3), one cannot charge for preaching the Word of God. It is not biblical for someone to pay in order to attend church.

5. How should I dress to attend church? Are women allowed to wear pants?

The Word of God teaches that men must not wear women’s clothes as well as women must not wear men’s clothes (Deut 22:5). 1 Timothy 2:9-10  and 1 Peter 3:3-4 teach us that women must dress in a decorous way and not in an extravagant manner, and that women whom dedicate their lives to God must be made attractive by the good things they do. God is interested in inner beauty and the Bible states many times that it is the heart that is important to Him (1 Samuel 16:7, Psalms 51:17) even though we all have a wicked and deceitful heart (Jeremiah 17:9).

Therefore, banning women to wear pants to church is a cultural and religious characteristic of legalistic churches where the focus is on false idols, such as religiosity and moralism. Whether you wear pants or any other item of clothing or not does not make you any more of a sinner or a saint before God.

6. Who is welcome to church?

Everyone is welcome, church is a single body and there are no distinctions of race, sex, color, etc. (Gal 3:28). It also is not important who you used to be or if you have tattoos or piercings, if you were a drug addict, homosexual or alcoholic, among others. The important thing is that your heart is willing to be subject to Christ’s control and show genuine repentance.

People who come with bad intentions and hearts prepared to criticize, gossip, looking to cause division or any sort of distraction on times of worship and proclamation of the Word of God are not welcome.

7. Do you believe on manifestations of the Holy Spirit?

We believe the Spirit of God manifests himself in the life of the believer and in the church through gifts, but not in the way the pentecostal evangelical culture has taught (speaking in tongues, falling to the ground, etc.) The role of the Holy Spirit is to direct us to Christ (Guide us to the truth, John 16:13, John 14:6), convince us of our sins, of justice, and of judgment (John 16:7-11). We do not believe there is any need to receive extra revelation when the Word of God has already been completely revealed. True faith does not need any additional experiences besides what God says in His Word and besides what Christ did on the cross for the sinner.

8. What makes Petra different?

Petra is a Biblical Church, we are not focused on preaching what men want to listen or feel (anthropocentrism, humanism, fake gospel of prosperity). Our goal is to glorify God through every single thing we do. Everything was created through Christ and for Christ (Colossians 1:15-18), therefore, absolutely everything we do in Petra Bible Church is for Christ.

9. What is the church’s leadership like? Can women be pastors or leaders at the church?

There is an order at our church, Christ is the head of the Church, then there is a main Pastor and a team of elders directing in order to serve to all in communion and being all of one mind. Our main leader is our heavenly Father.

According to the first Christians and pursuit to the hierarchy of God in His Word, men must be the ones to lead the church (Ephesians 5:23). The Apostle Paul is unequivocal in not allowing any woman to teach in the congregation nor having authority over men (1 Timothy 2:11-15). She must learn in submission and silence. Women are men’s help mate (Genesis 2:18), friend, as equals before God’s eyes, but with a different role. This must not be interpreted erroneously as sexism. God established an order on His Word and it remains the same. God never changes no matter the time or circumstances.

10. What about tithes and offerings? Am I obliged to do it?

The tithe was the tax system God designed for the people of Israel to honor Him with their assets, but also to raise funds for the temple and the support of the priests (Levites); as demanded by law. (Lev 27:30; Numbers 18:26; Deut 14:23; 2 Chronicles 31:5). A 10% was for the Levites, a 10% for the temple and a 10% every 3 years. On average the people of Israel gave approximately 23%.

In the New Testament and nowadays Jesus teaches us that God likes it when we give 100% of ourselves and that also means our economic resources (Mark 12:41-44), since they do not belong to us anyways.

Therefore, there is no amount or specific percentage, only what each person proposes in his heart (Generosity 2 Corinthians 9:7). As a true Christian, you will be generous in every area, including offerings, because those are a good way to measure the status of your heart in gratitude for what Christ did for you.

As a guest to our church you are not obliged to offer, but if it comes from your heart, we will not limit your joy in gratitude. Once you are an active member of the church, it is your obligation and a great privilege to be able to do it with joy of heart.

If you wish to ask any questions, we encourage you to write us at [email protected] or through the contact form.



Join us every Sunday at 9:15 am or 11:00 am


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Contact us

  • Petra Bible Church
    Pista Suburbana
    From COPERCO, 250 meters to south
    Managua, Nicaragua
  • (+505) 2260-5963
  • (+505) 8927-1845 
  • [email protected]