The most generous and reliable Doctor


So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander (1 Peter 2:1 ESV)

2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 Peter 2:1

Being in Christ demands rejection of old: tastes, priorities, including beliefs, even more, it is necessary to get rid of old things to be in Him.

To be in Christ is to be safe from the consequences brought all these things.

What would you say to a person who goes to the emergency doctor, you know that all the attention, examinations and medicines are free, go to the waiting room, spend 30 minutes before being called to your attention even decide to leave the office with the same symptoms of the illness that leaves him or recognize the face of her children?.

We could say that is:

  • Silly: he not acknowledged the gesture of good doctor.
  • Reckless: This risking his life.
  • Used to living with the disease.
  • Soon he dies.

That is what happens to many Cundo reach the Church, sit and listen to the sermon: The opinion of the preacher (according to the Word) says the results are positive: they are sick, they are told that it is necessary to take certain antibiotics , vitamins etc. to cure the disease.

But does that make?

Out fast and ignore the diagnosis, not wishing to receive medicine, remember, it's free, no man say ... I think this is exaggerating.

Then they continue with the same pain, the same problems with the same old things, the same deception, hypocrisy, jealousy, unforgiveness, hurtful comments etc ...

Are you one of those people?

If you come to Christ, the Royal Doctor, you must leave to attend, you must trust that He will do the necessary to cure your aches and pains operation.

You must trust in Him and He will save your life.

"If we could save ourselves Christ had said every man for himself!"  Chuy Olivares



Join us every Sunday at 9:15 am or 11:00 am


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Contact us

  • Petra Bible Church
    Pista Suburbana
    From COPERCO, 250 meters to south
    Managua, Nicaragua
  • (+505) 2260-5963
  • (+505) 8927-1845 